About VeteranHOPE  Contact VeteranHOPE

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our website. Let us know what subjects we can build on, or questions we can answer. We look forward to bringing more valuable information to you, so stay tuned.

Veterans and/or dependents who are in need of assistance, have priority access to all resources and information. Surviving spouses and former spouses are welcome to all the same materials and help. If you need more information to understand what you can do to protect your family from the misconduct of corrupt attorneys, please reach out let us know.

On the other hand, if you are an attorney and you have verified the facts detailed in "Child Support and the Absurd Mythology of Rose" and "How to Sue for Due Process" then please let us know if you are willing to make limited appearances to help military and veteran families save money by dealing with predatory discrimination and fraud.

Veterans Legal Intervention Fund

We are raising money to provide legal intervention through local attorneys in the hope that soon we will not need to make a federal case every time. We prefer to have intervention pro bono or on a modest flat-fee basis. Both state and federal practice areas are generally needed. The work is minimal because I have provided all the material necessary to prove every statement of fact and law.

If you are interested in helping bring this service to more families and individuals, please contact us at:
Or by phone message at: (253) 499-5805