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Veteran Organization Contact List

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Each Organization needs confirmation and update. Please report back about verifying them to be available or closed. Some have been very helpful and active in the community, but some are just not really doing anything.

Veteran Claims

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Quite a few Non-profit Veteran Service Organizations like DAV , VFW and American Legion help veterans, dependents and survivors make claims for VA benefits and the do it for FREE.

VSO Links
American Legion - Logo-LinkVeterans of Foreign Wars - Logo-LinkParalyzed Veterans of America - Logo-LinkVietnam Veterans of America - Logo-LinkAmerican Veterans (AMVETS) - Logo-LinkWounded Warrior Project - Logo-Link - logo Not all Veteran Organizations are qualified to represent veterans in claims.

Here at VeteranHope, we do NOT work on VA claims. Our mission is helping military and veteran families deal with predatory fraud and discrimination in housing and courts.

Stay away from anyone who charges a fee to help get VA benefits. Sometimes we need to hire an attorney, but most veterans should start with a legitimate VSO. We all need help to deal with the confusion in the maze of the VA claim system and VSO's are there to help catch the VA in their mistakes, and get things right on appeal. GET HELP!

Remember: The claim is your responsibility, not the VSO's. Their job is to help you gather and organize your evidence to support your claim. You still have to get the records to provide as evidence. See the checklist provided below.

All VA claims begin with Basic Proof of the following;

  • A) Qualified service, your DD-214 and other discharge papers.
  • B) Medical history that shows what happened during military service
  • C) Dependent family members and Birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.

The better prepared you are going into a VA claim, the better you will be coming out. It does not have to be perfect. Just take each step forward and keep in touch with your VSO. This may be hard sometimes. Do it anyway. This is your duty. It is your responsibility to support yourself and defend your family to the best of your ability and disability.
